Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The beginning of each week seems to begin slowly and leisurely in our house. The first day of the work week seems to be taken up with organizing what needs to be accomplished in the coming week, planning for how that will happen and, of course, grocery shopping. After a long weekend, this particular first day required some recovering from late nights and exciting days.

Apparently, today will be presented in reverse. Joseph spent part of his evening playing with Dad while Audrey and Adam were swimming. Make no mistake, playmobil is the activity of choice when Dad is playing.

I was happy running children to their various destinations..the mall, a friend's house, the pool, another friend's house, the grocery store (forgot something this morning), and a neighbour home from the grocery store but I love the moment when there is the opportunity to sit back and just enjoy what is happening around me.

Adam is selling his drums. This afternoon he set them up to take pictures of them for his kijiji post. He has decided music is not his passion and he wants to focus on snowboarding and sailing and biking. Okay....I guess.

Mondays, even if they come on a Tuesday, are great for reorganizing, rejuvenating, and preparing.

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